Thursday, December 8, 2016

Tompkins Square Park holiday tree starting to look more like a holiday tree

[Photo by @davidpiz]

Workers are putting the lights on the Tompkins Square Park holiday tree ... ahead of the tree lighting this Sunday from 4-5 p.m.

(And enjoy the lights while you can — they'll likely only be up through the middle of February.)


From the archives ...

[Photo by Bobby Williams]


  1. The lights have been on the tree all year. Each year, I see the guy in the bucket truck seemingly putting them up, but no one ever takes them down. ???

  2. It's beginning to look a lot like the holiday formerly known as Christmas.

  3. It always looks like a tree from a Dr Seuss book

  4. Is that OFFICER TUBBS?!?!

  5. 1:07 - union - Guy gotta look like he's actually doing something?


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