[Photo on Astor Place by Derek Berg]
Contract to defend Mayor de Blasio and aides to cost city $11.6 million (The New York Times)
Taste testing the two new Vietnamese restaurant options in the East Village (Eater ...previously)
Christo and Dora nest action (Laura Goggin Photography)
"Subway Therapy" project at 107 Norfolk St. through Monday (amNY)
About the pronunciation of Houston Street (The New York Times)
Musician Tor Miller's favorite EV places (The Guardian)
Robert Sietsema picks his choices for best East Village Mexican restaurants (Eater)
Subway and bus fare will remain $2.75 following MTA vote (Curbed)
Jonny Detiger’s "Amplified Space" continues through Feb. 9 at Howl! Happening on First Street (Official site)
The "Universal in the '70s" film series includes Dennis Hopper's "The Last Movie" and Monte Hellman's "Two-Lane Blacktop" (Metrograph)
Debbie Harry for Gloria Vanderbilt jeans in the 1980s (Dangerous Minds)
... and unfortunately we found about this after the first show... the Russ & Daughters Cafe on Orchard Street has launched a John Zorn-curated monthly music series for 2017...

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