Oh, a belated post to note that Orangetheory Fitness is now open at 51 Astor Place/the IBM Watson Building/Death Star. (It opened on Jan. 2 in time for the High Gym Season.)
About their workout via the OF website: "Orangetheory Fitness offers 60-minute workout sessions split into intervals of cardiovascular and strength training with heart rate monitors to track intensity and maximize metabolic burn. Increase energy, get visible results and burn more calories, even after leaving the studio. That's the Orange Effect!"
A CNBC report on Orangetheory last Friday noted that "participants can get unlimited classes for about $160 per month." (The Astor Place OF is considered a "premium location," meaning "This studio location is subject to pricing that is higher than our standard rates. A visit surcharge will be applied to workouts taken at this studio.")
Orangetheory, which has 570 locations worldwide, including three in Brooklyn and one in Chelsea, is right next door to Flywheel Sports, the cycling studio ... and a block away from the now-closed David Barton Gym.
Staying healthy is apparently very expensive these days.
To me, Donald Trump is the real Orange Effect, but both sound equally horrifying. I'll just keep walking around the city for my exercise, thangyewverrahmuch.
Pay no attention to that hole in the wall of the women's locker room. It is definitely not a camera.
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