[Image via Turntable Lab]
As we've been noting, Turntable Lab is leaving its 16-year-home on Seventh Street for a new space on 10th Street.
The store has announced that Sunday is the last day in business selling vinyl and stereo equipment here between Avenue A and First Avenue before reopening soon at 84 E. 10th St. between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue.
Here's more on the store's early days via their Instagram account...
Previously on EV Grieve:
Turntable Lab reveals new 10th Street storefront
Funny how some people think that the EV was edgy because you could still buy nickel bags at the grocery store. In the '60s-'70's you could buy more than that on almost any street corner. People who moved into the EV after the '80's have no real clue what the EV was like.
Love TT, and am glad they're sticking around. I look in their window so often they probably think I'm some sort of reverse-jackolantern!
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