According to the Lions BeerStore Facebook page, the shop is "closing and moving locations."
Here's more via a Facebook message from yesterday:
"This exciting journey (and lease) have come to an end. We, wholeheartedly THANK YOU for your support, patronage and loyalty as we grew into one of the classiest beer bars in the city. It has been a pleasure to serve new and exotic beers to aficionados and neophytes alike. We hope you had a unique experience each time you came, and that your beer palate is even more distinguished than ever. Stay tuned for information about our new spot."
Operated by a father-son team who hail from Greece, Lions BeerStore was part retail shop, part restaurant. They opened in November 2015. (Not sure how their lease was up after 16 months in business.)
Meanwhile, not only did Lions BeerStore announce their closure yesterday ... a new restaurant also marked their arrival in the space ... here's Wall 88 Restaurant...

Vinny & O, who shared there photos, hears that the new restaurant (we don't know yet what they will be serving) will be open as soon as today...

As we understand it, the original owners, who want to spend more time in Greece, are partners in the new venture.
They'll serving examples of overly complicated logos.
I think they had that same stock logo inlcuded with Windows 95.
I'd like to spend more time in Greece.
Wall 88? Really? Lemme guess, Trump steaks and Pepe-themed cocktails?
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