Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Slashing reported outside Karma on 1st Avenue; bad night gets worse for victim

An aspiring rapper was reportedly slashed across the face early this morning after a rap battle inside Karma on First Avenue between Third Street and Fourth Street.

After the attack, the man, 22-year-old Freeman Durden, jumped into an Uber, but was kicked out two blocks away when the driver saw the blood, according to published reports.

Durden, whose stage name is JU, was leaving the club "when a group of five men approached him and gashed his left cheek with a cutting object," the Daily News reported.

His friend called 911 and Durden, who lives in Bedford-Stuyvesant, was taken to Bellevue Hospital, where he received 30 stitches.

Durden's night didn't end there. He was later arrested by cops from the 9th Precinct because he had an open warrant for trespassing, according to DNAinfo.

The suspects remain at large.


  1. Bad Karma.

    From the late, great Warren Zevon:

    Was it something I did
    In another life?
    I try and try
    But nothing comes out right
    For me
    Bad Karma
    Killing me by degrees

    I took a wrong turn
    On the astral plane
    Now I keep on thinkin'
    My luck is gonna change
    Bad Karma
    It's uphill all the way

  2. Nice Uber driver. Scumbag.

  3. Wait—the driver said: "Hey, you can't bleed in my car"? That's f-ed up; I know an UBER isn't an ambulance, but don't you think he might have the decency to take the injured guy to Beth Israel—it was about ten blocks away.

  4. There might be a lot more to what happened in the Uber that led to the driver "kicking" the guy out.

  5. Sucks to be the bleeding guy, but the Uber guy's car is probably his life and I'm sure none of his future riders are going to appreciate (and give him the necessary good reviews) if they walk into his blood stained cab. If you're driving Ms. Daisies around all day you really can't afford to take the time and expense to clean up someone else's mess, which is what this is.


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