Friday, May 5, 2017

EV Grieve Etc.: LES landlord Samy Mahfar settles civil suit; MCA Day happens tomorrow

[Flashback Friday to blue skies from 3rd Street]

Weekend guide to the Lower East Side History Month (Official site)

LES history on display in open-air museum exhibit on East Houston Street (BoweryBoogie)

AG Schneiderman settles civil suit with landlord Samy Mahfar (The Lo-Down)

DA: Driver involved in deadly March crash on the Williamsburg Bridge was driving drunk and going 111 MPH (ABC 7)

Council candidates for District 2 agree to rezone Tech Hub area/East 14th Street (Town & Village)

Details on MCA Day tomorrow in Brooklyn (Gothamist)

The U.S. theatrical premiere of Wang Bing's new film, "TA’ANG," "perhaps the most revealing cinematic portrait yet of life in a refugee camp." (Anthology Film Archives)

Diversions: Early footage of the Plasmatics surfaces (Dangerous Minds)

There were 12 offers for actress Diane Kruger's EV apartment (The Post) ... while Chloe Sevigny is moving back to Manhattan (Architectural Digest)

Past lives of the bunker on the Bowery (Ephemeral New York)

10 galleries to visit on the LES (The New York Times)

Next NYCHA infill site to add more units to Two Bridges neighborhood (City Limits)

... and the gift shop Pink Olive is celebrating its 10-year anniversary tomorrow at 439 E. Ninth St. between Avenue A and First Avenue...

1 comment:

  1. Well she trashed us as she bolted, hope she stays away. Last thing we need . . .


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