Tuesday, May 9, 2017

EV Grieve Etc.: Memories and hot dogs at McSorley's

[Photo on 2nd Avenue by Derek Berg]

An excerpt from the new memoir, Two and Two: McSorley's, My Dad, and Me (Grub Street)

Speaking of McSorley's, starting today, Feltman's of Coney Island hot dogs will be added onto the saloon's daily menu

Man found floating in the East River at around 14th Street on Sunday afternoon (Town & Village)

Kushners apologize for name-dropping Jared to Chinese investors (The Post)

The Pickle Guys are breaking with tradition, now open on Saturdays (BoweryBoogie)

"9 to 5" showing tomorrow night as part of the Fearless Femmes in Film series (Village East Cinema)

Coney Island Mermaid Parade seeking financial help (Gothamist)

Former Lenox Lounge demolished in Harlem (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

Diversions: Keith Haring's onstage collaboration with Material (Dangerous Minds)


  1. Wow, so any Jared Kushner news is now EV news? Fucking shit.

  2. Friends and I were in Lenox Lounge the evening of Sunday, September 9, 2001; we had a wonderful time, never realizing how the world was going to change some 36 hours later. After that I was never able to go back, but I still mourn its loss.


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