Wednesday, May 10, 2017

The mysterious abandoned minivan of 12th Street has been — CONDEMNED

[Not today]

On Monday, an EVG reader noted the above minivan that has been parked on 12th Street just west of Avenue A for long enough. No license plates. A handful of parking tickets on the windshield. Yet it still sat there.

This afternoon, the same reader saw some sanitation workers inspecting the vehicle earlier today ... and now the vehicle has been scheduled for removal...


  1. Dammit! Lady Gaga gave me that purse!

  2. The whole new EV should also be condemned.

  3. It's not that old. I wonder why it was abandoned.

  4. In the 70s and into the 80s, this wouldn't have been a big deal at all, it was so rampant. We would've referred to vehicles like this as "dumped," available for parts stripping and setting on fire!

  5. Now I know how to get rid of scrap cars.


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