[Photo from April by Cheyenne]
On Monday, there was a lot of speculation over the death of Hyacinth, one of the chickens at La Plaza Cultural, the community garden on the southwest corner of Ninth Street and Avenue C... fueled in part by this update on the Citizen app...

We never heard anything else to substantiate this report of a sacrifice. In any event, there are flyers up now at La Plaza and surrounding streets asking for more information...
...there is a $50 reward as well...
As we understand it, the garden's remaining two chickens are going to an upstate farm today... a move that had already been in the works before Monday's incident.
H/T @artisanmatters
I believe that United Airlines must have been involved in some way.
Are there any voodoo altars in that garden? I used to see voodoo altars in Inwood Park, uptown, and decapitated chickens is the wooded areas.
Aw what a shame. Such a pretty girl. So sorry, Hyacinth, as lovely as your name...
Um, garden member here. I hadn't heard anything about a sacrifice -- my understanding from talking to people who found Hyacinth is that she was probably killed by an unleashed dog (which is how our other Plymouth Rock hen died last year). Sad to see them go. They've been a wonderful attraction for the garden these past few years.
Those were probably for Santeria, which is still practiced by quite a few people (alongside Catholicism) in the city.
This is so upsetting. I love those chickens.
Sad to see the chicken go. I hope it wasn't some ridiculous sacrifice. There's enough human sacrifice going on around here as it is.
...I hope it was not some gang related supidity...I loved her.
whatever it was I hope she did not suffer. again karma is a bitch
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