[Image via @Saltwaternyc]
A coffee shop called Saltwater NYC is coming soon to 345 E. 12th St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue... adjacent to Pata Negra.
The teaser site for the shop simply notes "Australian Coffee Culture." The window signage notes an August opening.
No. 345 previously served as a to-go spot for S'Mac two storefronts away.
Austrailian coffee culture? Those that mean I can enjoy a cup while Men at Work is playing and Paul Hogan is on the shop's monitor?
Self-satisfied Americans should learn that they didn't invent everything and aren't the masters of everything. Indeed there is "coffee culture" in other countries around the world and in other neighborhoods than the EV. And yes, Australia has a long heritage of "coffee culture"; perhaps not as old as that of Vienna, but nevertheless well respected.
I read an article that coffee as a crop may not be around for the next generation due to climate change, political upheaval in coffee growing countries and over consumption. Until then everybody drink more than you could possible need.
Great!..We dont seem to have enough coffee shops around as it is.
I live on 12th Street, and used to go to Ost. I'm glad to have another choice nearby.
To the previous commenters who cast a weary eye to "Australian Coffee Culture", when i travel to Australia i have some of the best coffee Ive ever tasted in Sydney. I wonder if they will use the coffee terminology of Australia i.e. "short black", "long black", "flat white" etc.
I hope the Australians have terms for their coffee that are silly as Starbucks, you know small is not used to describe a size any longer.
It's true America did not invent coffee "culture" (what passes for culture these days)... but we always find a way to make it way less healthy.
Given OST closed, this is a welcome addition.
Sorry to sound parochial, but to me coffee is coffee, and the rest is nonsense. Short black, flat white, macchiato, whatever - those sound like paint colors, not coffee.
I guess I'm just not cut out to be a coffee snob (nor to pay $$$$ for the stuff!). I save a lot of money that way, and to me, caffeine is caffeine.
Hey Grieve,
We need to have a re-cap of Australian coffee takes over the neighborhood. We have Southern Cross Coffee on 5th St, Bluestone Lane in the Death Star, Three Seat Espresso across from Tompkins Sq Park, Flinders lane on Av A north of the park, now this one. Am I missing any ? Is Flat White Coffee this year's Taco/Hamburger/Frozen Yogurt/Rolled Ice Cream/Bubble Tea ?
IIRC you can get australian coffee at Tuck Shop too.
Amen 12:25!
Australian coffee is much much better. Will be interested to see how there brew tastes.
Looks like a boutique. We need that in EV. Looking forward to some flat whites and cold brew!
I really love Southern Cross. I can wait to try this place.
Agreed, Southern Cross is excellent. Best cold brew in the neighborhood and very nice people in there.
I'm on 12th and can't wait for this to be my new local. Anyone else know more about them?
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