Sunday, June 4, 2017

Streecha Ukrainian Kitchen is going on summer break after today

[EVG file photo]

Streecha Ukrainian Kitchen, the basement cafe that serves as a fundraising arm of the St George Ukrainian Catholic Church, closes after today for their customary summer break.

Hello everyone! We've​ got some sad news for you: today is our last day in this season, we will be closed for summer break. Hope all of you will have a wonderful summer☀️🏝️ and we can't wait to see you in September! We'll keep you posted about our opening day. . Дорогі наші клієнти, ми маємо сумну новину для Вас: сьогодні наш останній день в цьому сезоні. Стріча зачиняється на літню перерву. Сподіваюсь, Ви гарно проведете літо ☀️🏝️, і ми вже не можемо дочекатись побачити Вас у Вересні! Ми повідомимо Вам день відкриття. . #streecha #ukrainiankitchenofsaintgeorgechurch

A post shared by Streecha🇺🇦Ukrainian kitchen NY (@streecha) on

...and their menu...

Streecha, 33 E. Seventh St. between Second Avenue and Cooper Square, is open from 9-5 today.

Previously on EV Grieve:
At the Streecha Ukrainian Kitchen


  1. They deserve a break, I hope they have a great summer!

  2. We will miss you. See you in Sept.


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