[4th Street entrance]
Reps for the Parks Department will be collecting input this Thursday evening on improving the McKinley Playground on Fourth Street between Avenue A and First Avenue...

[3rd Street entrance]
Here's a flyer about the meeting, which is Thursday night from 6:30-8 at P.S. 63-The Neighborhood School, 121 E. Third St. between Avenue A and First Avenue...

Per the flyer:
"NYC Parks is starting the design process for this project by holding a scope meeting, in which local residents and stakeholders discuss how they would like to see the playground improved. With this input, we will develop a schematic design, which will be presented to Community Board 3 for public review."
Small request: How about some nets on the hoops? I like to hear the swish when I occasionally make a shot : )
Leave the park alone. No good comes from The Parks Department manhandling an iconic neighborhood relic.
Just leave it. It's fine and fairly modern. Bigger fish to fry!
This and then Rosie closing a park on ave D, which I walked by yesterday and seemed playable from a basketball perspective. More bureaucratic meddling on the front end. Endless delays on the back. The Brian Watkins tennis center has had two courts unusable due to dangerous felled fencing for months now...
Councilwoman Mendez did not close Dry Dock. That was done by the NYC Parks Dept. The Councilwoman was only made aware it was going to happen.
Bring back the bandshell in Tompkins Square Park!
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