[Photo Friday via @RatedRuwan]
Back on Friday, workers demolished the enclosed sidewalk cafe at Horus Kabab House on Avenue B at Sixth Street... to then unveil a new unenclosed sidewalk cafe...

Both Horus locations (10th and Avenue A being the other) have had noise and various law-enforcement issues in the past. According to the May 2008 CB3 minutes (PDF here), the Avenue B location "has had numerous noise complaints and received numerous summonses for being occupied over capacity and putting too many tables on the sidewalk and whose sidewalk café permit has recently been denied renewal."
Despite the discreditable past, CB3 approved the move from enclosed to unenclosed sidewalk cafe this past April. Per the minutes (PDF here) from that meeting:
WHEREAS, given the history of complaints in operating its previously permitted unenclosed sidewalk café, its violations in operating its premises, its 311 call history despite its now enclosed sidewalk café and the residential character of East 6th Street, Community Board 3 cannot approve a sidewalk café permit greater than eight (8) tables and sixteen (16) seats with limitations on its hours of operation;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Community Board 3 moves to approve the application for a sidewalk café permit for El Sayed 1 Corp., doing business as Horus Kabab House, for the premise located at 93 Avenue B, on the corner of Eats 6th Street and Avenue B, because the applicant has signed a change agreement which will become part of its DCA license that
1) its café will consist of eight (8) tables and sixteen (16) seats located flush against the façade of the
premises on East 6th Street, and
2) its hours of operation will be 12:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. all days
Ugh, I don't envy the neighbors upstairs. Do establishments with limited-hour permits for their street cafes really shoo people inside once the time is up? I can't imagine that come 10pm, this bar will just tell the customers outside to move their hookah indoors.
I've been thinking it would be interesting to compare what some of these businesses are officially allowed in terms of sidewalk use vs. what they actually do. There are some that take up so much space on busy, crowded sidewalks, that I have a hard time believing they're allowed to do that.
Streets should not have sidewalk table and seating keep that stuff to big avenues like 1st and second.
I've made some of those 311 calls, and am aware of the frustration this joint has been for the 9th Precinct.
What a mistake to allow them outside tables. What the hell were you thinking?
They already have more than 8 tables out there.
These are the kings of not giving a fuck, and why not, there are no repercussions for ignoring the rules.
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