Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Today in warnings about bed bugs

Derek Berg spotted this on the curb along Seventh Street... a couch ensemble with the warning "Bed Bugs Do Not Touch" ... probably could have used larger paper or smaller letters so the touch isn't so squished...

Anyway, this was before today's noon-time downour, so maybe the bed bugs floated away or drowned.


  1. Crossing my fingers it wasn't near my bldg.

  2. I thought bedbug-infested items were supposed to be wrapped in plastic before being put out. How is Sanitation supposed to pick this stuff up without that protection?

  3. Actually the compressed lettering of "touch" helps convey the yuckiness feeling as you quickly retract.

  4. Definitely should have been wrapped in plastic; I feel bad for the Sanitation workers. But at least there was a warning sign.

  5. There was a mattress there wrapped in plastic---and as for the other stuff, fortunately the sanitation guys wear gloves, which they can discard right away---ewwwwww!

    I walked by that this morning on the way to work and just shuddered. Hope the whole building isn't infected!

  6. Anyone know what part of 7th???

  7. 7th between A and B


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