1) 198 Orchard St. at East Houston Street...

Ben Shaoul's 11-story, 94-unit building has units ranging in price from $1.075 million to $5.995 million. And there will be an Equinox Fitness center here too. Previously.
2) 32 E. First St. at Second Avenue...

A 10-story, 33-unit condoplex (with ground-floor retail) on the site of the former BP station. No pricing for the homes just yet. Previously.

3) 80 E. 10th St. at Fourth Avenue...

A 10-story, retail-residential condoplex with 12 residential units. No pricing for the homes just yet. Previously.

The Houston Street Horridor is coming along nicely. I can't wait to see the tourist attractions that go into these "luxury" buildings. Like another Duane Reade with their luxury selection of beer, pretzels and hand lotions. Or a luxury McDonnalds, with their artisanal french fries and factory-to-table burgers. Or another Trader Joe's, with the repackaged frozen foods that are the same you can get at any Gristedes under another label. I love the way that Ben Shaoul's latest monstrosity looms over Kat'z Delicatessen. It blocks out the sky and is practiaclly pushing them off the block. I bet they are so glad they sold those air rights now. Knowing how Shaoul operates, he will put in a brand new Carnegie Deli next door, putting Katz's out of business, then buy the property and build another condo, wiping them off the map. This is vulture capitalism it its best. Bundle up. Winter is here.
Oh you can't fool me, Grieve, this is the same hideous monstrosity shot from different angles!
4th Avenue is a sorta nice location for these rich'ers, I guess. But I don't know why people with this cash to burn would want to live on east Houston or the lower Second Ave, both are traffic / taxi / uber disasters. Oof.
Sigh, people are going to keep losing it. More shell companies, more lights off, more defaulted taxes. Loose and questionable anti-money laundering controls to boot.
Hey, Giovanni, people gotta get their growlers refilled - that's what Duane Reade is for these days, isn't it?
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