The Official Animal Rights March NYC was held yesterday afternoon, with a crowd estimated at several thousand taking part. The March began at the Flatiron Building and eventually came across St. Mark's Place to Tompkins Square Park.
Per the Facebook events notice: "Join us on the streets of New York as we march through the city demanding an end to all animal oppression."
Several other marches took place yesterday in London and Los Angeles as part of global campaign for animal rights.
Here are a few scenes from the march...

Above photos by Steven

Above photos by Derek Berg

Above photos by an EVG reader
But, 10 dollar artisan burgers and 5 dollar hot dogs. What will the transients do for sustenance?
"Bacon tastes good, pork chops taste good" Vincent Vega
I can't help but wonder how many of the protesters were wearing leather shoes?
Last I looked, kale salad was pretty trendy—and hella more nutritious than a $10 hot dog.
Incredible turnout ..
Meat is murder.
... Tasty, tasty murder.
Saw someone wearing that on a t-shirt in a Vietnamese place on Baxter st.
I'm of two minds when it comes to meat and probably shouldn't be eating any I couldn't kill myself.
If I had to kill my own meat, I'd probably be a fish & seafood kind of meat eater.
Having been heavily involved in animal liberation as an organizer for 28 years now, I can't count how many times I've heard the worn-out pseudo-challenging comment offered by paddy7812. The accusation is based on biased assumption rather than fact, and is often delivered to a group of protesters who are all vegan-attired; merely an attempt to "shoot the messenger," if you will. The comment is born out of fear and ignorance, as well as an immediate need for diversion from the issue at hand. Why? ... Because to focus on the animal rights message would require an additional level of personal responsibility on the part of the individual who's involved in an animal-abusive lifestyle. To admit that one is complicit in animal suffering only offers two paths: (1) step up to the plate --- especially the dinner plate --- and commit to a more cruelty-free lifestyle; or (2) openly admit that one doesn't care enough about the suffering of others to alter his/her self-indulgent habits. Path #1 leads to self improvement, less animal suffering, and a healthier planet, while path #2 simply displays a blatant lack of integrity.
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