A quick follow-up post on the neighborhood curb work (first post here) ... Vinny & O shared these photos from yesterday... showing workers filling in the pedestrian ramps along Avenue B...

... and curb work will take place Monday and Tuesday along Avenue A, per the barrel signage...

Public Advocate Letitia James has been critical of the city's sidewalk accessibility, citing that they fail to meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
It's amazing how quickly they fixed this crap. I want to believe this was always the plan, but it makes no sense why they wouldn't have just done it this way in the first place instead of basically pouring the left over cement on the street.
I bet they will be repairing those asphalt blobs within two years. Well, they will be in need of repair, but there will be nothing in the budget to do it.
No matter how you explain, it's second rate work. And it happens in the EV because our politicians and community board don't care. You don't see this on the Upper West or East, West Village, Tribeca.
This is still shoddy work, no question. That asphalt will be useless after a year, esp. if we get some very hot temps.
But hey, it only affects us "little" people, and we don't matter! If we *really* mattered, we'd be driven in convoys of SUV's and only set foot on carefully curated cement and/or red carpets. Just ask the bigwigs: Cuomo and De Blahhhhsio.
Someone powerwash that stain.
Sloppy job!
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