Tuesday, September 12, 2017

'Deception' at Astor Place; dead body takes a break

Crews were out this afternoon filming a scene for the new ABC crime drama "Deception" on Astor Place.

Then everyone took a break...

Photos by Derek Berg


  1. Ha. That was scary for a moment.

  2. Notthing is deader than that body in the street than the entire concept for this TV series: a scandalized superstar magician turned FBI agent.

    "When his career is ruined by scandal, superstar magician Cameron Black has only one place to turn to practice his art of deception, influence and illusion — the FBI. Using every trick in the book and inventing new ones, he will help the government catch the world's most elusive criminals while staging the biggest illusions of his career."

    What was the big scandal that led the magician to a career in the FBI? Forgetting NOT to saw that lady in half? Or did he molest that nice furry little rabbit in his hat? Tune in to find out. Or better yet, don't.

    Here's a better idea for a TV series: a gang of tiny mutants and outcasts who are oppressed and looked down upon by the humans roam the gutters and crawl spaces of the tenement buidlings looking for a world to call their own. After a war that has lasted a hundred years, and after being nearly wiped out by rival mutants and humans called The Crusties who despise them, the gang discovers a secret cavern left behind by an alien race with a secret that could help them rise up and conquer the world.

  3. Giovanni's series sounds better.

  4. It's been kinda done before. With better talent. This show will probably see the same fate.


  5. I like Giovanni's idea..very cool.

  6. Kudos to the producers! It's really encouraging that Hollywood and the Entertainment Industry in general are finally recognizing the East Village's grittiness and street toughness. Luckily, the advances made in digital technology will make it possible to filter out all the Starbucks, Chase Branches, John Varvatos, Blue and Cream, ATMs on every corner and high end bars and eateries permeating the neighborhood that would interfere with that image.


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