The signage went up yesterday on the northwest corner of Avenue A and 12th Street for Boris & Horton, billed as "New York's first dog friendly coffee shop and community space." (Thanks to EVG regular Greg Masters for these photos!)
The sign points to a winter 2017 debut (New York magazine previously listed a Dec. 1 opening date)...

As DNAinfo reported back in the summer, the space will be divided by a glass wall into two sections, per Department of Health rules. There will be a cafe side with food and drinks for humans, and a dog-friendly side that will sell pet supplies.
The owners are Logan Holzman and her father, Coppy. The cafe is named after their dogs. The Holzmans have said that they will host dog adoption events here.
Previously on EV Grieve:
On tonight's CB3-SLA docket: Boris & Horton, New York's first dog friendly coffee shop
Dec. 1 date set for Boris & Horton, Avenue A's new dog cafe
What if these people's dogs start fighting with each other?
On my block dog owners tend to be older people who I assume are retired, the newbies are younger people who walk their dogs before work and right after. My guess is this place will attract an older crowd which I often see huddled on the block chatting about I guess, their dogs.... The problem with this business model is only the younger dog owners are likely to spend $4 for a cup of coffee and $14 for an avocado sandwich not so much the older crowd. I could be wrong, time will tell.
JQ LLC said:
What if these people's dogs start fighting with each other?
There are plenty of warning signs before a dogfight escalates; obviously, at the first sign of trouble, the dogs will be separated.
@ Scuba
So will there be dog bouncers? Like bull mastiffs, great danes and dobermans?
the rhetoric/ranting on this site boggles the mind.....
'amazon sucks'
'trader joe's sucks'
'support small business'
'no it's too expensive'
which is it??
Time to time there will be dogs fighting in this place that goes without saying. I assume dogs will be off leash so that will make it even harder to prevent and stop once it get's going. I wonder if the owners will haven insurance to cover dog bites?
Dog bouncers - sounds like a good idea. Also, they'll check ID by sniffing butts.
I am relieved this place didn't turn into a bar. Any news on the empty Empire Biscuit place nearby? Would love to see that turn into a shop I can actually shop at.
The dog parade is a corporate chain sponsored, internationally marketed event that brings herds from all around the world. It isn't a local event. Perhaps they will go in for the coffee here.
Look at all these concern trolls. You realize there are dog runs where dogs are mingling as we speak and yes sometimes they fight. I understand we are talking about a cafe and not a dog run, but this cafe is exactly like a dog run in that nobody is ever forced to go in against their will.
Thank you, thank you, thank you adbp. You hit the nail right on the head. I blame ownership. I go out of my way to support the places most of the people on this blog poo-poo. Pun intended.
I am an owner of a small business what is your point?
Afdp: But Amazon DOES suck!
Looking forward to checking this place out. I have spent time in dog cafes in other cities and have never seen dogs fighting. People keep their dogs on leashes. They aren't running wild. But I have seen dogs pee and poop in the cafes. That's going to be the biggest issue, and I doubt most people are going to care as long as the owner cleans up after his or her pet right away!
point---- i will support small business
1. you say 'hi, may i help, if not just browse'
2. you are competitively priced (not backing into your prices to pay rent)
3. you don't leave YOUR business unsupervised (can't tell you how many times i've entered a shop and it seems as if no one gives a s**t)
ps i'm an ex small business owner (bagel nosh/377 fifth avenue/1977-1989/25 employees/125 seat/2500 sq ft/2 partners)---2 of us were there EVERY day (6:00am--4:00pm).......
afbp: good rules. I add: your business is open during posted hours, not when the mood strikes.
Word to Bagel Nosh. Great service, great logo.
I'm not for every small business. Fine so it's not a bar or restaurant but the dog parade is like an Astor Place event. We have some high end animal rights cocktail lounges as well.
Dog has to be three years old to drink.
I agree customer service is often lacking. I don't need to treated like a prince but Commodoties take note I don't like to be treated like a dead man walking. Is it so hard to find employees that you can't train yours to say hello or goodbye? I like your produce but you do have competition down the block now...
Will all the cat people deem this anti social and forge a test case?,
@11:57 AM
Why would anyone go into a dog run unless they have a dog with them? The same will be most likely true of this cafe. I just wonder if their customers will spend more time socializing than spend money on the products this place will sell. I guess it is up to those people that always want to bring their animals into restaurants but could not because it is against the law who no will finally get their chance. Will they support this cafe financially or will they make it fail?
21 human years to be served alcohol.
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