Thursday, September 7, 2017

Mr. Throwback will take it across 9th Street later this fall

[Photo by Steven]

While on the topic of vintage clothing on Ninth Street... as you may have noticed, there's new Mr. Throwback signage on the north side of Ninth Street between Avenue A and First Avenue — almost directly across the street from the store's current location at No. 428.

The shop specializing in 1990s-era sports apparel, retro sneakers, video games and toys will be moving later this fall.

Mr. Throwback (aka Michael Spitz) opened here in November 2012. You can check out the online store here.

And soon...

Mark Your Calendars Sept 16th From 11am-5pm Our Annual Block Party Is On!!! Over 300 Jerseys All For $20 each & Sale In Store.

A post shared by Mr. Throwback™Vintage Store (@mrthrowbacknyc) on

1 comment:

  1. I always thought that was a sports clothes store, so I never went in, because I don't wear sports clothes, but now that I see it's not, I'll make it a point to check them out, to see if there's anything I like.


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