DF Mavens, the vegan ice cream shop and cafe on the northwest corner of Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place, closed in January 2016.
Apparently the owners are still are the books for the rent, which is past due, according to the notice "Demanding Payment of Rent" taped to the front door early last week...

The total due is $53,660.27, which includes the nearly $25k monthly rent for both August and September.
The document shows that the lease goes back to August 2013 — roughly 16 months before DF Mavens opened their first retail space here on Dec. 26, 2014.
To date, I have not seen any for rent signs for this space. Guess that there isn't any rush to lease the prime storefront as long as the former tenant is still paying rent.
One LLC try to collect from another, good luck with that.
The place was a bad idea long before it even opened.
That corner block didn't have successful business for over 20 years. I remember when Gap was there.
I believe the DF in DF Mavens stands for "Depleted Finances." Seriously, this corner has been in limbo for the full year and a half they were building it out starting in late 2013, followed by the year they were in business from late 2014 through early 2016 (it was usually empty, with shorter lines than the defunct Rolled Thai Ice Cream joint down the block), followed by the year and a half that this place has been sitting vacant again. By my count that's four years of wasted space, all due to DF Mavens dream of bringing the world ice cream free ice cream. Someone could have gotten a Harvard law degree and spent 6 months in Europe in less time and for far less money than this place has burned through. But the wood was nice, at least it used to be. Word to the wise: never open a frozen dessert store in the middle of a blizzard during a record cold winter, only to close it after another blizzard the very next year.
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