EVG regular Greg Masters shares this... a 20-year-old tree on the north side of 12th Street just west of Avenue A was upended late this morning. No eyewitnesses but it apparently was uprooted by a truck backing into a parking space. Police were soon on the scene and the tree was later cut into pieces...

Is the truck in the photo the truck that knocked down the tree? Was this truck delivering something to the Steiner building? I am so pissed about this.
Yep, that would be some of the yahoos working on the Steiner project, who drive and park their trucks with impunity anywhere they please. I've seen them hit - but until today, not knock down - trees, take up the entire bus stop, double-park in traffic and leave their vehicles there for hours - they are totally indifferent to the impact they are having on their surroundings, and the people in it.
Does the guy who took the photo know if the driver got a ticket or anything? This is awful. It's not like you can replace a 20-year-old tree.
Wow. The driver must have backed into this tree hard to take it down.
I did not witness a truck doing the damage. I came on the scene perhaps 15 minutes after the incident. There was another truck in that spot before I took the photos, so I would say the truck in the photo was not involved.
I assume that is a bench for sitting.
These developers and their goon contractors have too much free reign. The Sierra Club needs to hire military contractors.
I call it arborcide, and I'm not kidding.
I saw a truck parked there today with a suspicious dent on the left-rear bumper. But without a witness I think there's nothing to be done. With a witness we might be able to get the responsible party to pay for a new tree. I don't understand how you can apply enough force to knock a tree down if you are simply parking, unless you are parking a crane, boom, compactor, etc., and not paying attention.
I disagree. These people don't give a shit.
@Scuba Diva
There should definitely be a heavy fine for knocking down a tree/a tree out of its roots as well as the cost of a replacement tree.
Trees are a scarce commodity (for lack of a better word) in Manhattan nowadays and we need as many of them as possible!!!
They need to seriously fine these companies and make them plant new mature trees when they do this. I'm constantly seeing truck drivers no giving a fuck about the trees.
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