Two weeks ago (Oct. 5), someone created this memorial on the empty storefront at Fifth Street and Avenue A. (The illustration in the middle has been there since early September.)
Each person featured has died in recent years ... starting at the top left:
Bob Arihood, David Peel, Emily Mullen, Michael Shenker, Tuli Kupferberg, Cowboy Stanley, Spike, Erin O'Connor, Adam Purple, Bob "Apocalypse" Gurtler and Roger O'Neill. (Updated the list of names. Thank you Eden Bee and Chris Flash.)
Several people have asked me about this. Unfortunately, I don't know who created this. I've asked around, and no one seems to know much about it, including what may have linked the people featured in the memorial.
Meanwhile, someone defaced several of the photos in recent days. It likely won't remain up for too much longer.
Emily Mullen from Csquat top right next to Peel.
ReplyDeleteThe other departed persons in this photo are: squat organizer and political activist Michael Shenker; poet, musician and artist Tuli Kupferberg; Bob "Apocalypse" Gurtler; Emily Mullen; and Catholic Worker member Roger O'Neill. The center art appears to be the guy known as "LES Jewels".
ReplyDeleteWhenever I see this wall of photos, the loss of these special members of our community really hits home.
RIP Les Jewels wish you were here to wake up the yuppies
ReplyDeleteThey are all linked by being members of a neighborhood that no longer exists, just as they no longer exist. RIP to them, and the former EV we all loved so much. It's something else now.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I missed the Jeremiah's Vanishing New York book release tonight; I'm kind of bummed about that.
ReplyDeleteMy roommate and friend, Richard Kopperdahl, died a year ago August 25; he was a fixture in Tompkins Square and a regular at the Odessa.
I see that the damaged photos have been replaced, with more added....