Some casualties include a partial awning down at La Contrada on Second Avenue at Fourth Street ... and sidewalk-cafe blockade toppled over at Yuca Bar on Avenue A and Seventh Street...

The wind advisory is effect until midnight... no word on any tree damage in Tompkins Square Park or elsewhere in the neighborhood.
Photos by Derek Berg
Too bad about the awning. But those sidewalk al fresco blockades, they should and deserved to be destroyed, they are getting wider and wider, some taking up 60 percent of the sidewalk. The worst offender being Bubby's in the meatpacking district.
What are these barstaurants managers thinking anyway? Leaving these out in inclement and stormy weather? Take them back inside or cover them and chain em down.
Agree about how they are taking over the street. Take a walk on 13th Street between University and Fifth Avenues and ask yourself how a sidewalk cafe / serving food managed to get permission to install itself in the street!!! Yes, in the street. 13th Street is a main cross street from the East Side to the West Side and it is always busy. Now everyone has to narrow down to one lane. Is this Mayor Bill's control of traffic? Somebody must have made a campaign contribution to somebody.
@8:37pm: I know exactly the spot you are talking about and yes, I keep wondering how they're allowed to do that, especially on 13th which already has horribly slow traffic movement. But I also suspect that the answer to "how" is that someone greased the right palms.
I hope Yuca Bar recovers from this temporary setback and reclaims their sidewalk space. Thoughts and prayers to every tree on this windy day in our neighborhood.
Big tree limb down on the southwest corner of 11th and A.
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