Tuesday, November 7, 2017

City Kids bringing the East Village Playhouse to long-empty storefront on 6th Street

The signage is up now at 340 E. Sixth St. for the East Village Playhouse, a small classroom and performance space via the City Kids Foundation. (Keith Haring designed the City Kids logo.)

Here's more about them:

Founded by Laurie Meadoff in 1985, The CityKids Foundation has established and maintained cutting edge youth development programs, training tens of thousands of diverse young people, by providing opportunities for personal growth, leadership, and artistic expression.

Their programs include the CityKids Repertory Company, "an intensive audition-based performance program that combines training in performing arts disciplines with a unique leadership development model."

Not sure at the moment what programming will take place in the Sixth Street space.

This marks the first tenant in the storefront here between First Avenue and Second Avenue in more than nine years. Tribal Soundz, the world music shop, closed here in the fall of 2008. (Jeremiah Moss wrote about Tribal Soundz here.)

H/T Michael Hirsch!

Previously on EV Grieve:
The sound of storage on East Sixth Street


  1. Its about time something came into this mess of a store front.


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