Thursday, November 9, 2017

Report: Part of a man's leg discovered along the East River

There are published reports that part of a man's leg was found washed up along the East River near the FDR and Sixth Street.

Someone spotted the leg (from the knee down) around 11:30 a.m.

Per the Daily News:

It was not immediately disclosed if a foot was attached to the extremity, which was brought to the city Medical Examiner’s office. Further tests will be done to try to determine who the leg belonged to and how it became separated from the person’s body.

And via NBC 4:

Details remain scarce at this point, but an NYPD spokesperson said, "When you find a leg in the water, that's suspicious in itself."


  1. Holy Shit. That is beyond creepy. Sounds like the beginning of an old Law and Order episode.

  2. gee whiz - I hope he get's it back!

  3. @E Stop littering! There are trash cans every six feet on the path.

  4. disembodied parts alway gross me out, I can only imagine there is a horrible story to go along with that leg.

  5. And everyone was wondering where the Crusties got all that meat for their big barbecue in East River Park last summer. Now we know.

  6. Part of me says this is horrible and bizarre. The other part of me says, this is even news in New York?

    But, these days, it has become news. Shows how much the city has changed since the old days.

  7. i was there when two men called the cops and there when esu put it in a garbage bag.

  8. @John

    There have been about a dozen bodies found floating in the rivers in the past year. Bad days have returned.

  9. Is Son of Jaws stepping out


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