Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The horse head moved again, of course, of course

For those of you keeping track ... the concrete horse head bust has been on the move these past few days... from Avenue A and Seventh Street to Ninth Street between Avenue A and First Avenue to Tompkins Square Park.

And now... it's on Seventh Street between Avenue A and First Avenue outside the Shape of Lies...

[Photo by Derek Berg]

One EVG commenter noted that the horse head's first appearance was actually here outside the art-jewelry shop.

Where will it end up next?


Pinch said...

Hmmm; Possibly a publicity stunt by Bonefade Barbers🤷🏼‍♂️

Mr. Mister said...

+1 RE: headline.

Anonymous said...

Why is this horse head following me?

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's a knight in a game of chess that's so giant we can't see the whole board and other pieces.

Anonymous said...

love that.

sam_the_man said...

Were all the moves up one square and diagonal one square?