Friday, December 8, 2017

Reminders: The 26th annual Tree Lighting at Tompkins Square Park is Sunday

[Photo by Steven]

It happens from 4 to 5 p.m. on Sunday ... once again featuring the holiday stylings of the Carolers of Olde New York (via the Theatre for the New City) and the Mandel & Lydon Trio (every year someone makes the John Lydon joke) ... with refreshments provided by Veselka and C&B Cafe over on Seventh Street. (Go here for info about post-tree-lighting specials at a few local businesses.)

Meanwhile, two different crews have been spotted working on the tree... From yesterday...

[Photo by Ronnie]

And Sunday...

[Photo by Steven]

Not sure exactly what they were doing. Hooking up the power? Some Park regulars thought that the lights were kept on the tree year round...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Reader mailbag: A call to keep the lights on the holiday tree in Tompkins Square Park


  1. It's the most wonderful time of the year! :)

  2. We just have to make it through Santacon. So happy they’re not on the same day.


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