Saturday, December 9, 2017

SantaCon 2017

[Photo via Instagram by James and Karla Murray]

A few scenes from SantaCon today in the East Village...

Above two photos by Steven...


Above photos by Derek Berg...


Photo at the DeathStar Shake Shack by 8E...



  1. Thank goodness it's snowing, wet and disgusting outside so I didnt see any of them on my block - where they have infested in the past years.

  2. haha i saw Steven there..he got some good ones.

  3. Look at the lazy, do-nothing, worthless NYPD being babysitters for these kidults.

    All huddled together - walk the beat and deter crime!

    When's the last time a cop stopped a mugger, pursesnatcher, or violent scumbag?

  4. The crowds at the bars did not seem to be as large as in past years, and the hordes of Santas on the sidewalks were not as bad, but the hardcore SantaConners were definitely out there in force. Within the first hour I witnessed 3 fights, one drunk Santa falling face first into Second Avenue trying to get a cab, two female Santas in tears, a guy yelling homophobic slurs at a group lined up at a bar, a couple of broken cell phones, and a group throwing snowballs at someone’s apartment window while screaming and cursing. It was ugly. I witnessed one guy who was so blackout drunk he seemed to be in a psychotic state, and had to be physically restained from attacking a group that had somehow offended him. They stood nearby taunting him. So while the crowds were not as bad this year, the behavior was worse, probaby because it was easier for people to get into the bars and get drunk faster than in the past. Ironically, the bigger the crowds, the less drunks there are to contend with.

  5. IMO, these photos show the annual outdoor meeting of a group I call "The World's Biggest Losers/Lame Asses Who Are Alcohol Dependent". They all wear red so they can recognize each other, and also so that those of us who AREN'T losers can identify them & avoid them to the greatest possible extent.

  6. Was so loud for a while this afternoon. There is trash on our stoop and the neighbors trash cans are flipped over. These people are so wack.

  7. God bless us, everyone

  8. to 10:19 PM,
    last year of svce from commissioner bratton, he came to starbucks to celebrate with santa cons crowd. the line was double of what it was today. it was high ranking officers and all with media all over, it was impossible to walk thru the area.
    neverthelees, i think this year it was not that bad compared to last year's many lines, young crowd noises, lots of vomit and fights i'd witness...thank you snow!!

  9. commissioner bratton, he came to starbucks to celebrate with santa cons crowd. the line was double of what it was today. it was high ranking officers and all with media all over, it was impossible to walk thru the area.
    neverthelees, i think this year it was not that bad compared to last year's many lines, young crowd noises, lots of vomit and fights i'd witness...thank you snow!!

  10. I stepped in Santa Puke will I get good luck next year

  11. That all just looks so deeply...un-fun.

    Slip-slidin' away...

  12. 3 all day parties in my buiding. Horrible. The worst. The smell of booze and vomit... I had to escape to the streets for relief. Boy is that irony. The street was saner than the inside of a buiding. I'm leaving town next year.

  13. After I saw all those hungry SantaConners crowding into Shake Shack it just confirmed that Shake Shack is for tourists. I heard on the news that there was only one SanatCon arrest, yet there were brawls going on all over the place. Whats the point of having all these cops at SantaCon if they aren’t even going to enforce the law? Oh I know the answer: to get more overtime.

  14. These kids' parents should've hugged them or more when they were [not] growing up.

  15. So much shade gets thrown at this stupid event, but for my money Anon 1:11 has nailed it LOL.

    I feel the tipping point has been reached. The event is so brazenly, nakedly stupid at this point, and so devoid of whatever fun that was associated with the original, and such a hassle for the participating bars... certainly to this casual observer it feels like the beginning of the end.

  16. There was a car accident at East 9th St & 1st Ave.
    SantaCon revelers were having a snowball fight, one ran into the street and his head cracked the windshield of an Uber, not the driver's fault.
    He was bleeding a lot but was conscious until the ambulance took him away.


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