The gate has been down at Five Tacos on St. Mark's Place near Avenue A for the past two weekends.
The sign on the door says that they are closed until further notice...

For now, Google shows them permanently closed...

The inside of the quick-serve restaurant looks cleaned out. And the phone goes unanswered.
Five Tacos, part of the Ten Degrees family next door, opened in January 2012.
I'm someone that eats every meal out but 5 Tacos was one of my favorite quick weekend lunch places Ciao for now my favorite weekday lunch place is closing as well. I am not closed to the idea of trying out new places but whenever a small places like these close the next business will most likely have higher prices, less experience or worst some sort of national chain. How depressing,,,,
This place was low key alright... I didn't even know it existed.
Always thought five tacos was terrible, much worse than al pastor across the street. Hopefully something better comes in.
I tried 5 Tacos once. It reminded me of a school cafeteria's version of tacos. Al Pastor isn't bad...but the best tacos in the neighborhood are at El Diablito on 3rd St. between 2nd and 1st Ave.
What are the remaining taco places in the East Village besides El Diablito?
Zaragoza (A b/t 13th and 14th)
Tacos Morelos (9th between A and 1st)
Guac (Ave B b/t 11th and 12th)
Taqueria (St Marks between 1st and 2nd)
Theres a few faux high end, Rosies, Black Ant stay away from. La Palapa is good but sorta pricier, but its a nice space.
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