Lumos Kitchen is the new tenant for the southeast corner of Second Avenue and 12th Street... (thanks to Laura K. for the photos!)

This is apparently an expansion of Lumos, the now-closed (as of April 2017) cocktail bar that debuted in the fall of 2015 on West Houston Street between Thompson Street and LaGuardia Place.
As New York magazine noted, "Lumos ... is likely the only [bar] in America that specializes in baijiu, the ancient Chinese liquor that's probably the most surprising, divisive thing you can drink in the whole city."
And more on baijiu via this Gothamist post from 2015:
Baijiu ("bye Joe") is actually an over-arching term for liquor, roughly translating to "white liquor" in Chinese. Baijiu doesn't refer to one spirit—they're categorized into different "scents," ranging from "rice" scent on the light side of the spectrum to "strong" and "complex" scent on the other end. Baijiu is also the world's most consumed form of liquor; that's what happens when you have the most populous country in the world. According to data from International Wine & Spirit Research, Chinese people drank over 11 billion liters of baijiu in 2012, accounting for more than one-third of all spirits consumed in the world.
So Lumos Kitchen looks to be pairing some food with the baijiu. (There's a help-wanted ad for a sous chef with "experience in French & Chinese restaurant.") For now, there's just a teaser site for the restaurant. The folks behind Lumos look to have further expansion plans, as their website shows...

Anyway, as for this Second Avenue space, three restaurants — Hot Pot Central, DumplingGuo and Dumpling Go — came and went since March 2015. Before this, Shima had a good run here until January 2014.
That is one really big bar glad I don't live next or above it especially in during the summer.
Food definitely seems like an afterthought here...
I can't hear "Lumos" without thinking of the Harry Potter spell!
Place wasn’t even open when you posted this, it literally just opened a few days ago. I feel like your comments are BS. (fact)
There isn’t even a bar in the facility, it’s all table served wine, so I’m not sure what this BS is coming from your comment ....... (facts)
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