[Photos yesterday by Steven]
There's another notice "Demanding Payment of Rent" taped to the front door of the long-empty DF Mavens storefront on Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place....

The owners of the vegan ice cream shop owe the January and February rent ($25k plus change) and some taxes for a $54,111.85 total.
DFM closed in January 2016 after two years in business on this northwest corner.
The storefront has sat empty these past two years without even a for rent sign in sight.
Hey greedy landlords let this be a lesson to you. You are so greedy that no one wants your space. You ask for so much, and you end up with empty spaces for years. You will not be able to get that lost money back. What did your greed get you? A piece of paper that says someone you money. There are so many closed and empty stores the area looks pathetic.
Lets see, they wont be renting this corner out to a bank as a mini-ATM location since all the banks ar leaving the EV and shutting down thousands of other branches nationwide, so getting a bank tenant is out. 7-Eleven already tried and failed next door, so chain convenience stores are out too. The Gap tried and failed long ago, so apparel is out.There are already too many Starbucks and coffee shops already, so that category is out of. A pizza shop and frozen yogurt have already tried and failed here, so those are out. Papaya King and Japadog tirade selling hotdogs on St Marks Place, but that didn’t work either. Then there was the boiled crab place that made you eat hot butter-drenched seafood out of a bucket with your fingers, but that didn't work either. Rolled Thai ice cream? Nope. Bookstore? Forget it. Nail salon? I don't think so. Smoke shop? Not with Gem Spa across the street. Looks like they are out of luck ever finding a tenant that will work on this corner until they chop that rent in half.
The landlords get to write off the empty spaces as a loss on their taxes.
This business was doomed from the start. Totally out of line for the demographics of the neighborhood..resident or transient. Too fancy for the locals, not appealing enough to the transients, who only come to drink and party.
This corner property, from top to bottom, has always had trouble holding tenants. One day someone will find the right thing and make it worth...if the landlord doesn't charge astronomical rents.
A 7-11 might work here now after all this real estate traction. But it'll put our beloved Gem Spa out of business, especially with their slushies. Who can resist, against a mere mortal egg cream?
The comments are so true.
@11:48am: Gem Spa will always win out in my life over *anything* from 7-11!
It’s the perfect location for Nicki Minaj to open a pop up shop and sell her K-Mart discontinued, sensibly priced catsuits. Just saying.
Papaya King was closed due to impending demolition of that corner. I wouldn’t mind it returning at the DF Mavens space. $5 special was great!
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