Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Popup Florist popping up on 7th Street

Popup Florist, a plant and floral design company, is opening a storefront this month at 63 E. Seventh St. between First Avenue and Second Avenue.

The company, founded by former fashion designer Kelsie Hayes in 2016, has been operating out of a 40-square foot retail/workspace in The Gansevoort Market. The Popup Florist website notes that they have worked with brands and retailers such as Theory, Barneys New York, Facebook, Covergirl and Pottery Barn.

The space was previously home for a short while to the Roll It Up ice cream shop.

Bejeweled NYC, a piercing studio, is Popup's new neighbor on the other side of the front steps ...


  1. I am waiting for the first Popup Popup-Book Store...

  2. So Roll It Up rolled on out?


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