Monday, March 12, 2018

Todd Hase Furniture closes on 7th Street

After a year at 111 E. Seventh St. between Avenue A and First Avenue, furniture designer Todd Hase has apparently closed up his Home and Mid-Century Modern Shop.

The storefront is empty, and the Todd Hase name has been removed from the windows.

There isn't any mention of the closure, temporary or otherwise, on the front door, Todd Hase website or social media properties.

Todd Hase also has locations in West Hollywood, West Palm Beach and Southampton. Seventh Street seemed like an odd spot for walk-in traffic shopping for, say, an $1,800 French Empire console table or $2,250 Enrique Garcel floor lamp.

Village Style Vintage Shop, the previous tenant here, moved out to Brooklyn in October 2016.

Updated 1 p.m.

The listing for the the storefront is now online. The asking rent is $7,000 per month.


  1. As fellow dealer in the decorative arts I had my doubts that this location was a smart move. The neighborhood is made up of long time residents (middle aged) who aren't usually looking to buy much in the way of furnishings. The other inhabitants are young people who tend to move in and out every year or two and most likely are buying post dorm-room furniture from Ikea. These days sadly it's experimental frozen desserts, sports bars and concept restaurants which attract tourists only that seem to get past the 2 year mark.

  2. Too bad this store closed! It had beautiful things. Many of them expensive, true, but there were deals to be had. And it's sooo nice to have remnants of retail civilization standing amidst all the junk these days...(see above - frozen desserts, international food chains, etc)

  3. Anyone one remember the store H on that block? (I think.) Great home furnishings store that was precursor for all the boho chic eclectic stores that proliferate now. Great store. Really miss it. Copied all over the city eventually. Owner had a great eye and get this, the prices were reasonable!


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