Monday, May 7, 2018

Moxy East Village arrives at the lobby level

Right there... (bonus Jim Joe underlined)...

And a look through the blogger portal on the plywood...

Anyway, it's the 13-story, 285-key Moxy hotel going up at 112-120 E. 11th St. between Third Avenue and Fourth Avenue.

According to the Moxy website, the hotel opens at the end of this year...


  1. Hats off to the developers for relocating that old Indian burial ground they discovered so quickly!

  2. Can't wait. I am certain it will become a stunning addition to our already homogenous, overcrowded and insanely unaffordable neighborhood. Good times.

  3. God, the entrance to armageddon. What more can we ask. Thanks Mayor Bill and the one-party system that runs New York like a fiefdom.


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