Public records show that landlord Steve Croman was released from prison today, two days before originally scheduled. He ended up serving eight months of a one-year jail sentence after pleading guilty to various fraud charges.

In June 2017, Croman pleaded guilty to three felonies for fraudulently refinancing loans and committing tax fraud. He was expected to serve up to a year in prison and pay a $5 million tax settlement, per the Attorney General's office at the time.
Croman served his jail sentence at the Manhattan Detention Complex, aka the Tombs. Last October, the AG's office announced that Croman was "transferred to Rikers Island for one year jail sentence."
Public records at the time showed that Croman (in the system last October as Steven Crowman) was expected to be released on June 3 ...

[Screengrab from October]
One Croman watcher alleged that he was set free two days earlier than expected to avoid a media throng.
And as The Lo-Down recently reported, residents of a Croman-owned building on Ridge Street claim that he has been "playing the same games with tenants that he did before he was incarcerated." As a resident said, "The only thing that’s changed is that Croman is markedly more aggressive than before. We’re all shocked that nothing’s changed for the better in our case."
Croman's real-estate portfolio via 9300 Realty includes 47 buildings with 617 units in the East Village.
Previously on EV Grieve:
AG's office: Steve Croman agrees to pay $8 million to the tenants he harassed
So they sprung him early so he wouldn't be swarmed by reporters. Shit, how did they think he got away with intimidating and terrorizing tenants all these years, certainly not by intrepid consistent journalism and definitely not by the non-existent civic duties by the electeds and those appointed in the DOB. Besides, reporters are too busy covering sunsets touching buildings and the throngs of dumbasses obstructing traffic.
It looks like this foul hedonistic, avaricious sociopath got the same deal Alex got in A Clockwork Orange, sans the film viewing torture.
And like that tenant group said, ain't shit changed. And now with a corrupt mayor obeisant to predatory developers like him, Cromag is now emboldened.
Seems like he got a good deal. Remember Kalief Browder? A black teen who was held three years in Rikers BEFORE trial, for allegedly stealing a backpack. He couldn't afford justice.
Welcome home, Mr. Fuckface von Douchebag. Now get the hell out of here.
isn't he off to some island to big release party his sister is throwing for him?
maybe the plane will crash
Yes, and they even publicized it in the dailies as this very blog showed a few days ago.
(apologies for repeating myself) Along with sunsets, this is what passes for city news in this town as the homeless population grows stemming from Croman's heinous tactics that have spawned dozens of imitators (including Trump's young ward advisor).
This felon actually hired the legendary disco band Chic to perform at his putrid theme party. What a fucked up world.
Push Cuomo to spearhead changing the rent laws, which now incentivize this type of landlord behavior, back to what they were pre-1993. That will fix these and associated problems. Anything besides that, is just a bandaid, which the landlords find ways to manipulate their way around.
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