The McDonald's at 404 E. 14th St. near First Avenue was boarded up on Tuesday ... its McSignage removed.
The DOB permits posted on the plywood note an "interior renovation."

There isn't any note to patrons about a closure — temporary or permanent. (The McDonald's at 25 Third Ave. at St. Mark's shut down in June 2017 after 20 years in business.)
The arrival of the work permits, of course, suggest a renovation or upgrade, perhaps like the McD's on Delancey and Essex.
Several of the one-star Yelp reviews about this location state that this is among the worst McDonald's in the city.
Thanks to EVG reader Tara Cox for the photos and tip!
I hate to say it but I am kind of glad this McD’s closed. Never felt safe here, too many homeless and junkies. Hopefully those people move on from the neighborhood. Between 14th st and 1st ave and 8th st and 2nd ave, hotspots for homeless and junkies. The EV area looks terrible. Wish I had a better solution for these people, but I don’t so I just hope they move along.
This is one seriously nasty McDonalds, but just renovating it won’t help improve the shitshow that gathers around here every day.
It's really bad. I have tremendous sympathy for these hopelessly addicted people, cycling in and out of Beth Israel and never getting the slightest bit better, but it's rough on the people who live there, the kids who go to school nearby, Immaculate Conception churchgoers, to see this nonstop parade of human misery.
One of these guys was passed out right in the street in front of McD's one morning recently, close enough to the curb that he could be hit by an eastbound M14 bus if the driver didn't see him, which could very easily happen with other vehicles and pedestrians even momentarily blocking the view. I saw this while on a westbound bus—people were standing nearby, concerned, but who is really able to pick up a 200 lb. man passed out cold? Are they supposed to do that while they're waiting with their kids for the bus to school? It's a complete mess over there.
Please stay closed!
Don't worry 1st Ave folks, Beth Israel is moving to 2nd Ave. So all the junkies will be at the Colonel's. GOD, WHAT A MESS. This is Mayor Bill's plan for the homeless - move them a block. Make them somebody 2nd Ave's problem.
Good, now maybe the Crusties who were camped out at the Link NYC kiosk outside of Gem Spa all weekend can move over there.
They can renovate all they want, given the location it's still like putting whipped cream on dog sh*t!
Yeah as someone who enjoys a guilty McD's every now and then, this location was one that even jonesing (for salt) wouldn't keep you inside it.
Folks, what y'all consider "nasty" or "sad," McDonalds considers an "opportunity" or "ingredients."
I live in the building so have this info: They will be closed for 3 weeks and are remodeling- Trying out a mostly black facade in an attempt to class it up.....
AT 2:4 PM, Anonymous said:
Trying out a mostly black facade in an attempt to class it up.....
Someone should tell them you can't polish a turd!
Seriously, though; all I care about is if the ATM machine works.
The McD's on East 96 and Second Avenue, the McD's on East 103 Street and Third Avenue are BOTH closed, with no notice of whether they will reopen and when. The McD's on East 109 Street and Third Avenue is shuttered for good. In order for someone in East Harlem or upper East side to get a McD's in Manhattan, they will have to go further downtown.
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