Monday, August 13, 2018

Updated: Reward for this turtle, last seen in the 6BC Botanical Garden

An East Village couple's pet turtle went missing yesterday in the 6BC Botanical Garden on Sixth Street between Avenue B and Avenue C.

Per an Instagram post:

We lost our little turtle yesterday. We were in the 6BC garden, and she disappeared under foliage and we looked at every inch of the garden since yesterday. Thinking she may have wandered out the gate.

Hopefully someone will find her and return her to us. Thank you in advance for your kindness.

There's a $100 for anyone who finds the turtle.

Updated 8:07 p.m.

Per the comments, the turtle has been found!


  1. Thank you EVGrieve for posting and sharing this. Fantastic news - I just found our little turtle. After looking yesterday and searching non-stop since 6am today, found her in the garden of a building on E5th St (backing up to the 6BC garden). Since there wasn't an inch of the 6BC garden I hadn't searched about 3 times over, it was clear she wasn't in the garden. She had managed to squeeze through a single tiny hole in the fence to the other garden. We are so relieved and happy to have found her! We were following her the entire time yesterday, looked away for maybe 15 seconds to talk to each other, and she was gone (she moves fast for a turtle).

    I want to thank all the East Village people for their help today. It has always felt like a real neighborhood to me, as a long-time resident, but I was blown away by everyone's kindness, thoughtfulness, compassion and empathy today. People helped search, I got hugs from random strangers, everyone was so incredibly kind - all for a little turtle. We live in an AMAZING neighborhood. Thank you!!!

  2. Congrats! You know what that means? PIZZA TIME!

  3. This is why we really need to consider enacting leash laws for turtles.

  4. So glad your turtle is back with you where she belongs! Nice to hear some good news for a change!


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