[The Tompkins Square fledgling by Goggla]
I invited East Village-based photographer Laura Goggin (aka Goggla!) back to the East Village Radio storefront studio on First Avenue for another EVG podcast. (Listen to our first session from June here.)
We talked about what has happened this summer with the red-tailed hawks of Tompkins Square Park, including:
• The joy of the young red-tailed fledgling
• The death of the older fledgling
• The hawks loving the concerts in the Park
• The parenting skills of Christo and Amelia
• The latest on Dora, Christo's ex-mate now in wing rehab (The Post might be interested in her status!)
Anyway, we had a lot of fun recording this...
This link will take you to Goggla's site for more photos and red-tailed hawk narratives. And stay tuned for more EVG podcasts — I'll be posting another one next week.
Previously on EV Grieve:
The EVG podcast: Red-tailed hawk talk with Laura Goggin
The EVG podcast: Mike Katz and Crispin Kott on the "Rock and Roll Explorer Guide to New York City."
The EVG podcast: A 'Vanishing New York' conversation with Jeremiah Moss
Wonderful. Thank you, EVG, for continued coverage of our local hawk family. And to Goggla for her dedicated observation and chronicling. (And glad to hear Dora has a new beau.)