We have a full reveal now at 253 E. Seventh St., the new 6-story condoplex — aka 253 E7 — here between Avenue C and Avenue D.

You can see how it stacks against the rendering...

Two of the units hit the market a few weeks back, as noted here.
Per the Streeteasy building description: There are "8 superbly appointed apartments with soaring 9’ ceilings, ranging in size from 709 to 1,653 square feet. Most apartments feature a private outdoor space and an allotted few have access to private keyed elevator landings. The Penthouse apartment boasts a private paved roof; the Townhouse apartment features a private grass planted garden."
The available units range in price from $1.275 million (one bedroom) to $2.795 million (three bedrooms).
Workers tore down the former four-story residence that stood here back in late 2015.
Previously on EV Grieve:
Options for this lovely East 7th Street townhouse include demolition
New building in the works for 253 E. 7th St.
The disappearing 253 E. 7th St.
253 E. 7th St. is now a pile of bricks
Property at 253 E. 7th St. now for sale; perfect for a 'dream custom mansion townhouse'
New plans for a 6-story building at 253 E. 7th St.

[Image of No. 253 from 2014 via Massey Knakal]
Dear architects and developer, thanks for destroying a beautiful building and replacing it with another hideous out of context gray box.
Ok, not a bad building at all. Really would not mind living there. Like how it looks from the outside (would prefer a different color). Overall, looks great. The floor plans are very efficient, no wasted space, flexible to add another bedroom. It is expensive, but how do you build nowadays such a small building and not make it expensive? Would have loved to criticize this but can't.
This would be a cooler looking building if it were:
1) Located in Amsterdam, where they know how to keep the modern architecture separate from the older buildings, and
2) A different color. This Neutral Density Filter Slate Gray color may be the rage now, but it will soon look as dated as the white brick apartment buildings from the 1960s.
Great looking building. I’m happy to see more investment being made East of Ave B. A large part of my ability to retire lies in my condo appreciating in value. The more people are willing to invest in this area the better we all will be - safer streets, better grocery stores, more retail and dining, hopefully a decent gym (Equinox), etc.
Guess I was too easy on this one.
I guess its cool that old buildings where people could afford to live are being sacrificed so you can sell off and retire in Arizona.
@noble - no building was “sacrificed”. And to use your word, “affordable”, this new building is affordable. As for Arizona.... no. I have my eye on Miami Beach.
Prison hip, incarceration chic, or 1970's East German office building, can't decide.
There was a 19th century building there and tenants were unlikely paying a mortgage on their apartment ranging from $3500 to $7000 per month. Yes sacrifice and not affordable to anyone making under $125,000 annually.
I live across the street from this. I must admit it's a gorgeous building. I am relived the noise and construction are coming to a end. If I had the capital, I'd probably consider purchasing a unit, given how much I love our neighborhood. The scary thing though is for what it costs to buy an apartment there, I could also purchase an actual house back in LA (where I am from) with a driveway and two bedrooms, a pool, a front yard, top brand electrical appliances, and furniture for the same amount of money it would cost to buy a one bedroom in that building, which would most likely hover around 1.5 million after closing costs and taxes. I guess in NYC, we sell our souls to live here. I keep wondering; as a renter, is it worth to live here now when being a homeowner seems wiser?
If you said that 20 years ago, you would have lost out on a huge capital gain. What the future holds, nobody knows.
The prior building was structurally distressed and empty for a period of time. The North side of 7th street between Ave C and D now have three modern buildings one built around 2005 often called the flower box building and closer to D another smaller Condo built around 2015. These building are sized correctly to the block. There really is not much development opportunity left perhaps only the church on the North side close to Ave C. The south side has seen a lot of sprucing up of entrance ways and new stoops. The replacing of those horrible metal doors with doors suiting the building is a welcome sign. It is a gorgeous block and I travel it everyday.
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