Thursday, November 1, 2018

Tompkins Square Park playground reconstruction 1 month in

There's progress to note with the Tompkins Square Park playground reconstruction on Seventh Street at Avenue B. (Renovation work started on Oct. 1 on the Avenue B children’s playgrounds.)

For starters, there's now a Work in Progress sign up on that corner to let people know what's happening.

The two playgrounds in the Park's southeast quadrant have been scrapped up (along with the walkways) ...

Steven shared these next two shots ... the top photo, from Oct. 10, looks toward Seventh Street and Avenue B...

... and the same angle from Tuesday...

According to the Parks Department website: "This project will reconstruct two playgrounds with new play equipment, safety surfacing, spray showers, seating and fencing.

And a schematic from the website...

The project has a 12-month timeline for completion.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Playground renovations underway in Tompkins Square Park

Heavy-duty fencing arrives as playground renovations continue in Tompkins Square Park

1 comment:

  1. The project has a 12-month timeline for completion.

    Oh, fuck. That only leaves 8 years to enjoy our new playground!


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