Construction as harassment has been a well-known tactic employed by various landlords in the East Village (and citywide) through the years.
The city took steps to help curb such activities in August 2017 when City Council passed comprehensive legislation as part of the “Stand for Tenant Safety” package that aims to provide greater tenant protection.
This coming Tuesday evening, tenant organizers and attorneys from the Stand For Tenant Safety Coalition and the Director of the Office of the Tenant Advocate will explain these new legal protections and offer tips for tenants to fight back. The presentation will also include a Q&A session with the Tenant Advocate and STS Coalition members.
The meeting, courtesy of the Cooper Square Committee, takes place on Jan. 29 from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Perseverance House Community Room, 535 E. Fifth St. between Avenue A and Avenue B.
For more info or to RSVP, you may call (212) 228-8210 (ext. 104) or send an email to Liam at the address on the above flyer.
Previously on EV Grieve:
New City Council legislation aims to protect tenants from construction as harassment
Icon Realty fined $500,000 in tenant harassment probe
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