Workers have set up construction camp at 14 Second Ave. between First Street and First Street Green Art Park ... the first signs of the condoplexing ahead for Treetops, the name of the 10-story residential building that will rise here...

New owner Daniel Vislocky (of development firm Station Companies) told Curbed last month that he "expects prices to be in the $2.8 million to $3.5 million range" for the building's units, where residents will have access to ground-floor storage and a gym.
Vislocky also said that he'd be working with a consultant to take the appropriate steps to remedy the Stop Work Orders dating to 2000 and 2009, which was long before he owned the property.
This site has been vacant for years, last housing Irreplaceable Artifacts. There's a lot of back story, which the links below cover...
Previously on EV Grieve:
Workers remove artifacts from the vacant 14 2nd Ave., fueling speculation of new development
Development watch: 14 2nd Ave.
Vacant lot at 14 2nd Ave. sells for $7 million; will yield to 10-floor condoplex
More about Treetops, the name of the condoplex coming to 14 2nd Ave.
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