Saturday, January 5, 2019

Report: Suspect arrested in connection with sexual assaults in the East Village dating to 2014

Police have arrested a Brooklyn lawyer suspected in several sexual assaults committed in late 2014 and early 2015, according to multiple published reports.

Per the Daily News:

Rashaun Kelley, 35, is facing multiple burglary, sex abuse and attempted rape charges for sneaking into apartment buildings and trying to force himself on at least three women in the East Village and Harlem, police said. He’s also a suspect in two other similar sexual assaults.

CBS2 reports: "Authorities say they tracked the suspect down as a result of extensive police work."

In each of the attacks, the suspect wore a Yankees cap, as surveillance videos showed.

Updated 8 p.m.

The Daily News has an updated article:

At his arraignment Saturday evening, Kelley — whose brother is an NYPD cop, according to a court source — denied the charges, and said the police case has holes.

“To say it was shaky is being generous,” lawyer Christopher Carrion, a law school friend of Kelley who represented him at his arraignment, said of evidence — including DNA — compiled in the case.

Carrion said one victim viewed a lineup and indicated Kelley looked like her attacker, but that she wasn’t sure.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Police searching for man now suspected of 2 sexual attacks

NYPD looking for suspect in 5 sexual assaults, including 2 in the East Village

1 comment:

  1. It’s amazing how often these perps are described as wearing Yankee hats while committing serious crimes. It’s yet another reason to be a Met fan. The Mets may not win as many Worlld Series championships as the Yankees, but at least their fans aren’t the biggest demographic group locked up on Riker’s Isand.


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