[Photo from October by Steven]
Back in October, workers removed the neon 13th Step signage from outside the sports bar/SantaCon favorite on Second Avenue between Ninth Street and 10th Street
The temp sign simply said The Step, prompting speculation that the bar had dropped the 13th...

[That one night it snowed in November]
However, this past Thursday, a new sign arrived ... with the return of the 13th...

[Photo by Steven]
Several readers/residents found the name to be in poor taste upon the bar's arrival nearly nine years ago. The term 13th Step is used as a euphemism for inappropriate sexual advances by a member to a newcomer in AA. It means other things too.
Previously on EV Grieve:
The 13th Step loses the 13th on 2nd Avenue
Really ? had no idea it was inappropriate - thought it was
a Hitchcock reference, a twist on the 39th step.
An odd choice then for a bar if the name is related to AA and murder.
Bro irony is usually with empathy for others especially those that are struggling with anything the bro are not ie: racism, disease, afflictions, poverty.....
IMO, that joint is the alcohol-equivalent of Donald Trump: bad taste, no class, no respect, all brass and jackass, and check your brain at the door.
2.29 PM It also stinks, has a major stale beer smell that hits you when you walk past it. Woo! OK, I'm Wooed out for today.
I can remember when it was the Telephone Bar: great place for brunch and just to hang out in. Discusting what this place has degenerated into.
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