Just noting this...
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has announced he will not run for president in 2020 and would instead focus on an effort to "begin moving America as quickly as possible away from oil and gas and toward a 100 percent clean energy economy." https://t.co/Qqrg0HgnAR
— NPR Politics (@nprpolitics) March 5, 2019
AND this...
Yo no runningo para el presidente por que el coñostitution only allowo dos termos.
— Miguel Bloombito (@ElBloombito) March 5, 2019
The way he tries to speak spanish, is how I spoke in high school spanish class. You can tell he and I were making an effort.
Absolutely nobody really cares whether he runs or not except for those who stood to make money off his campaign.
Too bad. He was the most QUALIFIED and COMPETENT candidate. Big Loss for the country.
Who wouldn’t want another old, white, male billionaire from New York to be President of the United States? After all, that’s working out really well for us right now.
Bloomberg is discovering that he is valued mostly for his bank account, and not for his governing abilities.
Oh oh.....this might encourage RudyRudy to give it a shot!
Unfortunate to label all Billionaires according to one who may very well not be a Billionaire after all. Mr.Bloomberg spent his own money for good in this City renovation of Gracie Mansion one example he attracted and hired talented staff not political hacks. He had vision from Hudson Yards to Technology University on Roosevelt Island. In twelve years there were no scandals with him personally. His charitable foundation is not a tax dodge buying portraits of himself rather over a Billion dollars donated to his Alma Mater. No this man did a lot for a City he loved and on his last day was insultingly treated by the incoming Mayor who is an eight year disaster of little accomplishment.
Bloomberg used his money to buy off the City Council in order to overturn term limits, which went directly against the will of the people just to give himself a third term as Mayor. His third term turned out to be disastrous, especially his massive rezoning which has made the city even more unaffordable. And let’s not forget the blizzard when he went away on vacation, and then wouldn’t even tell anyone where he was. We have already seen how Bloomberg will use his money and power to overrun the results of an election. We don’t need another billionaire in the White House who uses his money to abuse power.
The City Council speaker Quinn backed him running for a third time. I do not think she or the rest of the council were "bought off" and the decision probably within the party cost her the Mayor's nomination. He did not give himself a third term he was reelected in a general election. The provisions in the City Charter allowed him to seek a third term with the consent of the majority on City Council he followed the rule of law.
The rezoning was necessary to make the city viable and globally competitive. He did not get congestion pricing (coming now) nor the zoning changes in the mid-town commercial district the later has occurred. Office building built in the 50's and 60's are not is what is wanted by business today rezoning will let the area rebuild and stay competitive. His third final term had many accomplishments unlike Rudy and Wilhelm namely the Tech University on Roosevelt Island. The man accepted a dollar a year in salary best twelve bucks this city ever spent.
Now back to Deblazio second year in second term still going to the Brooklyn gym in City Black Suburban, going to South Carolina this week must be scouting for landfills for the city trash. And tax returns from the Socialist reflected a 350 dollar charitable deduction on income approaching 300k Dante is at Yale after all.
The Blizzard was a freak snow storm forecast was off,they happen. He went to his residence in Bermuda for the weekend not vacation he elected for some privacy so he did not tell the Tabloids. The Deputy Mayor and Police Commissioner knew his whereabouts and would not have needed a carrier pigeon to reach him. The Sanitation Commissioner is operationally in charge of snow storms I am sure they talked.
Bloomberg was a GREAT Mayor. Unlike the Current Empty douche and his Worthless Mayor-in-waiting Chirlene.
Okay, Anonymous 8:17 AM, 8:34 AM, 9:32 AM, 11:09 AM, 11:19 AM and 6:27 PM - we get it. You love love love Michael Bloomberg. Can you do something else with your life now besides post about your adoration of that pipsqueak Bostonian interloper on this blog, please?
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