Friday, April 5, 2019

40 years of 'Recollections'

Longtime EV/LES residents Raken Leaves and Julius Klein are marking their almost "40-year interaction" with a two-person exhibition of their art work.

The show, titled "Recollections," opens tomorrow (Saturday) at 222 Bowery between Prince and Spring. The opening reception tomorrow is 5-9 p.m. in the building that housed the studios of Mark Rothko and William S. Burroughs, among others.

The gallery hours are Wednesday though Sunday from 3 to 7 p.m. "Recollections" will be here through April 21.


  1. "raken leaves" is a fucking AMAZING name. on the basis of that alone i will check this out. thanks grieve!

  2. Known those two wonderful folks for many years. Congratulations on your show! See you at tonight's opening!


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