Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Countdown to the Dance Parade and DanceFest

The 13th annual Dance Parade (and DanceFest!) is coming up this May 18. This year's theme: "Movement of the People."

A few quick details: The parade begins at 1 p.m. at 21st Street and Broadway, and will feature live bands, DJs and a lot of dancers — more than 80 styles of dance and nearly 200 groups. (This link has a list of all the participants.)

And as always, the parade winds up in Tompkins Square Park... where DanceFest 2019 happens from 3-7 p.m. "with choreographed performances, dance lessons, aerial and social dance – on five stages, all free to the public."

Will leave you with the 2019 preview video...


  1. So this means on May 18th it will either be hot as hell or raining, which seem to be the main weather options for most Dance Parades. One year it was so hot that the giant Mariachi dance club collapsed lying on the ground in TSP in exhaustion, so I got the local Spanish Ice guy to give them all free ices, for which they were surprised and grateful.

    Checking my Wundergound weather calendar, and it says 68 degrees and rainy in the morning. Lets hope the rain passes quickly because this is one of the greatest events of the year.

  2. This is my favorite event and yeah it seems to rain most of the time!

  3. Dance Parade and the Ukrainian Festival are my favorite events of the year!


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