Signage arrived yesterday for the new bar-restaurant coming to the northwest corner of First Avenue at Sixth Street — say hello to The Headless Widow...

CB3 OK'd a liquor license for the applicants, who have management experience at the now-closed Michael Jordan's The Steak House N.Y.C., in March.
The sample menu on file with the questionnaire shows a variety of pub-fare offerings — burgers, salads, sandwiches and main courses like the Headless Widow Fish and Chips.
According to the CB3 minutes from March, the Headless Widow will be open from 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sundays through Wednesdays; until 2 a.m. Thursdays through Saturdays.
We don't know too much else about the establishment at the moment.
The corner space here was previously Umm Burger for 13 months.
Thanks to Vinny & O for the photos!
Headless Widows? Why would anyone patronize this p[lace unless you were a psychopath?
Super bland menu. Hopefully not some sort of idiotic theme restaurant.
The name is off-putting, especially in this era when women are at risk of losing health and basic rights (although that's always been an issue). I just find it flip and insensitive. Maybe it's just me, but I won't be patronizing this place.
Agree. Name is misogynistic. Tone deaf.
Reading the post about Elizabeth Lee and then this...sickening.
Agree about the name. Really tone deaf and offensive. Should be renamed "Headless Restaurateur."
It suits the Friday and Saturday night feel of this strip now generates - something has to give on this strip on those nights - the bouncers sit in the middle of the sidewalk in the way of pedestrians.
Another load shit hole open to 2 AM, a corner full of doors which will let loud music can drunken chatter fill the air. My sympathies to those living above and nearby. Sorry to be such a grump but places like this profit as the expense of other people's quality of life.
Headless Widows... No dress code...Wife beaters welcomed!
Did anybody on CB3 say anything about this?
Horrible & inappropriate name. Should be called "brain-dead clueless owner".
I guess more tasteful names like The Castrated ex-Boyfriend and the Impaled in-laws weren’t available, so they wound up with a name that leverages the #MeToo movement in all the wrong ways. The 13th Step has now officially lost it’s title for most tone deaf bar name in the East Village. A word to the wise: Never try to come up with a clever name for your new business after having a few too many boilermakers at happy hour.
Get a f...ing life. It's just a silly name. God help us all, sorry did not want to offend, government help us all.
another crappy faux "Pub" catering to Suburban Donut Transplant People ugh, just what the EV needs-
"Get a f...ing life."
Yes one of usual despicable suspect lines like "Get a grip", "If you don't like noise in the EV, move to....", etc.
BTW, so called “horror themes” for East Village/Village bar names, not original at all, See ”Beetle House”, “ Jekyll and Hyde”, "Slaughtered Lamb”, etc.
@Anon. 1:44 PM, as a widow, I for one find it an extremely offensive name. I have no doubt they patterned it after some Ye Olde English Pub type of thing, but words, especially in the fractious and divisive America of today, really do matter.
I don’t mind the name at all, and consider myself strongly feminist, but then again I’m a big fan of Midsomer Murders and a bit of an anglophile in general. I think it’s meant to be spooky, not misogynistic. Also can’t help thinking some of you are eager to stir the outrage pot here ostensibly on behalf of women despite not caring particularly much about women, nor being able to or interested in trying to articulate how this hurts anyone or who, exactly, could be hurt by it. If you’re genuinely upset about this I can’t see how you avoid being upset by Halloween too, and giallo movies, etc.
Nice cozy family oriented place ! Is welcoming and give you the feeling of drinking from your own living room , mention the food is excellent ! Staff are very friendly! Much thanks Go to Azra and Edine ( Eddie) you guys are awesome made me feel at home ! Best of Luck
Much Love and Respect !!! Bella
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